Apr 27, 2010

Monday April 19 - Medical Alert:

On the trip, Susan developed a big blotch in her right eye. As we got to the US border, it seemed to get worse and it became quite a worry. So at our usual stop in San Benito, Texas, the first thing is to find an eye doctor.
A couple of calls brought us an appointment for 8 am the following morning. The ophthalmologist diagnosed a retinal tear. This would involve surgery by an retinal specialist. We then were sent to another office of the same medical to consult with the surgeon. He confirmed the diagnosis, and proscribed surgery. That's the bad news. The better news is that this ailment has a 2 week window from the onset. We called back to Susan’s eye doctor in Guelph Ontario, where she had her cataracts done last summer. We sent copies of the diagnosis, and now have an appointment with a retinal specialist in London, Ont. for Tuesday morning.
Hence, we are scooting back to Canada this trip, rather than taking our usual leisurely sight-seeing pace.
After just two more days in the RGV, for a little rest, a little shopping and an oil change, we hit the road.

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