As this is a season of lists of Highlights, Best of’s, I have compiled this list of memorable events for the last 12 months. In no particular order:
• Snorkeling in the Caribbean, beautiful water, pretty fish, turtles, coral -- saw my first squids this week. Yes, squids are pretty in the water.
• Palapa Life: We have gone from being homeless (home-free) to building a new home from scratch out here on the edge of the continent. (For more step-by-step detail than you may ever want to know, go back through the archive of this blog) This leads to:
• Sharing our palapa life -- Now that we have a Mexican home we can have visitors. Last winter, Glen’s sister Gail and Walter, our daughter Juliet, Gerald and Martina; and already this fall, Cathie and Howard, and Susan’s brother Rob and Cheryl.
• Managing to stay active - Playing tennis and biking with friends in Guelph, On. Our team, Rockwood 1, won the inter rural league for the season. Also playing tennis and volleyball with friends in Paamul. I am a late bloomer in volleyball but am determined to master the “bump”.
• Roger Federer - won the French Open (career Grand Slam), won Wimbledon (most Grand Slam singles titles ever), regained #1 ranking. I am a fan, Roger is my man, and this is my list.
• Health (getting older): Susan had both eyes “done” (cataracts) We both got new glasses and see the world much better. On the less positive, in the work up to the surgery, Susan was diagnosed with type II diabetes. She has become a model patient in her dietary regime, as well as her exercise, biking and swimming. She is looking great, her numbers are good, but suffers from arthritis too.
• Getting together with the Myrfield clan (my mom’s side) for a reunion at Sproat Lake BC. About 70 uncles, cousins and young’uns spent a lovely weekend catching up and re-bonding. It was especially inspiring to be with our family elder, (eldest) Uncle Willard, still going strong. Thanks to Lyle and Cheryl and all who did so much work.
While out west, we spent some time with Susan’s family and her mom, now 95 and slowing down.
• Anniversary: 30 years with Susan. We passed 3 decades of making our life together. Mmnnn, good.
• Anniversary 2: Also for me: 20 years without alcohol. Been there, done that, struggled, gave it up. This is better.
• The birth of our first Grandchild, Amelia. We were delighted to be on hand at the hospital in Toronto to welcome her, August 29. We had many visits before our fall departure and a few on skype during the winter. Can’t wait for spring to see them all again.